N.CUS : A multi-faceted halloween.

Group N.CUS donned its special costume for Halloween.


Photographs taken on October 31st of N.CUS’ members wearing Halloween costumes was published on the official SNS of the group.

In the photos, members pose in colorful clothes and cosplay such as Winnie the Pooh and Minions. In contrast, their faces are disguised with blood and sores, showing a cute and scary charm.

In another photo, they turned into a character in a film such as Gaonashi, Annabelle, Dracula, Toshio and Harry Potter.


In particular, the member HWAN surprised the fans with his finger cut in his disguise as a doctor. In addition, EOS leader and the SUNGSUB member, both disguised as police officers and prisoners, presented a put in action. The other members then disguised themselves as ninja, Naruto, Kangxi and Mario, to celebrate Halloween.

The 12-member N.CUS group, considered as the next-generation idol for their unique visual talents, is composed of EOS, HWAN, MYUNG, SEO SEOKJIN, SEONG SEOP, HOJIN, EUNTAEK, SUN, IF, YUAN, SEUNG YONG and YUNMIN.


Group N.CUS has been active since the release of its first mini-album “MATCHLESS LOVE” on August 27th.

Journalist : Shawn
Translator : Shawn
Source : KYURI Entertainment

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