Sunday, June 30, 2024

YOO HEEDO: The debuts of his solo career

Singer YOO HEEDO will officially debut as a solo artist.


YOO HEEDO will release his new digital single “STILL LOVE” at 6 p.m. KST on June 27. This is his first official solo song in 10 years since his debut.

The new song contains the sad feeling of a man who is suffering from a breakup. YOO HEEDO fully showed off his strong vocal skills.

Additionally, YOO HEEDO participated in writing lyrics and composition, revealing his own musical style and new growth potential. Thanks to the collaboration between KROWN, Ma1ro and KEYMAKER, talented composers of FUTORE Publishing, the company has increased its comprehensiveness.

YOO HEEDO recently became known as “Team 24:00” on JTBC’s survival show “Peaktime” and rapper of boy group B.I.G.


Thanks to his trust and my support for new musical attempts and challenges, he recently started his solo career with concerts and fan meetings. Now he wants to explore the world of music with a wide spectrum. I want support YOO HEEDO, his musical journey and entertainment activities as a solo artist in all directions, and share the music growth and changes in the global market,” said Kim Min Hyuk, CEO of Futore.

YOO HEEDO will release his single today at 6 p.m. KST.

Journalist: Shawn
Translator: Shawn
Source: SNS YOO HEEDO, Futore

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